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I completed this assignment by getting my picture taken in mide jump, then editing it using a cropping tool.

I completed this assignment by taking pictures of my him in different poses and actions, used Adobe Bridge to rename the picturs, then used an automatic contact sheet to create this contact sheet.

I completed this assignment by choosing a background,  editing in pictures of me from other pictures and an explosion from another picture, and added text.

I completed this assignment by choosing a background, dividing this picture into thirds, then adding pictures of myself from other pictures.

I completed this assignment by tracing the lines in one of the pictures of me, then deleted the original picture, leaving only the lines.

I completed this assignment by taking the traced picture, then using the brush tool to create the texture of grass in the picture.

I completed this assignment by taking the line picture and using the paint brush to add color to each part of the picture.

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